Pereni is looking for a Room in Leiden

Pereni is looking for: A Room in Leiden

  • Room
  • Min. 10 m2
  • Female
  • 09 Immediately

I am Pereni and I am 24, stuyding Biomedical Sciences Management masters at Leiden University. I am planning on staying here in the Netherlands for at least a year or longer and that is why I am looking for a home.

I really love to sing and play the guitar and I was in the band back in Singapore (where I am from!). I also play the saxophone andI kinda wanted to start a band when I came to the netherlands but that never came to fruitition ...perhaps in the upcoming year. I enjoy cooking for a big group of people and rumour has it that I make the best butter chicken in Netherlands (shameless but sometimes we have to know our strengths yeah?). I also like to try out craft beers and scotches (ever since my trip in Edinburgh) . I really love to travel, especially to lesser known cities. I would certainly be up for spontaneous drinks or going out to eat!

I am learning Dutch and I want to learn it better, because I really love the Netherlands as it is such a laid back country with a good work-life balance. If we were to live together, perhpas we will all end up talking in Dutch just after a few months!! But actually- let me tell you a little bit more about how Dutch integrated I am. I was the only one of the international mentors for the ELCID participants this year. I was also in the full-Dutch board of Leiden United from August 2018 til August 2019! Some of my fave people in the world are Dutchies and I make a lekkere hutspot too!:P

I am also fond of making checklists and keeping my stuff organised. I love to have a clean kitchen and bathroom and I ensure it stays like that alawys- which I am sure is a great quality in a housemate!

I am thinking of picking up either Krav Maga, water sports or Yoga at the USC once the new semester starts, but first I need a palce of course! I have lived in delft for almost 2 years and I have decided to move to Leiden. I would love it if I can move to the beautiful city of Leiden!

General information: Pereni
  Female, 30 years old